by Chris Nack

The Button
Keeping the image library organized and up-to-date is time consuming for a design firm. We found something image-related to smile about when we found this relic, with its original box, in the back of our old storage cabinet.
Then: $26.99 Fred Meyer price tag
Today: $6.99 on ebay
As the pre-digital version of instant-photo gratification, The Button performed for us when we desperately needed a real-time photo. From the early days through the 1990s, the majority of our project images were collected as slides and organized in binders. We still have the binders and are on the verge of converting some of that collection to digital format.
From the Slide Era:
The slide library awaits selection for digitizing. Too bad we can’t locate our slide projector. We’re looking forward to a day of bending over the light table!
Negatives and Prints
What will we do with these?
Scan the prints? Scan the negatives?
Most likely: After we pick out our favorite images for scanning we will accept that we have not opened a box in seven years and let the rest go.
A Digital World
Today site photos come back from the field via phone camera, DSLR camera, and compact digital camera; we have a camera for every occasion. Keeping digital images organized is no easier! There are more photos than we had in those simpler days of The Button’s reign.